Platte Clove Ice Scramble

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Platte Clove is a deep ravine located in the Catskills. Water that gathers on High Peak Katerskill rushes off the mountain forming a deep chasm which rushes into the Hudson River. In the summer its waterfalls create deep pools which can make for some excellent cliff jumping and swimming. However, in the cold winter months the stream comes to a standstill giving thrill seekers the chance to test their skills on crampons and ice axes. The Devil’s Kitchen area is a favorite spot for ice climbers. However many adventurers try their hands on the waterfalls leading all the way to the bottom of the ravine.

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This entry was posted by Art Director on Saturday, August 10th, 2013 at 5:20 pm and is filed under ice climbing, ice scrambling, Winter . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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